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Financial Literacy for Everyone

Do you find yourself at odds with others on how to manage your own money? Do you sometimes feel like you are always trying to figure out where your salary went? Does it seem impossible to get your finances “in order”?

Understanding Your Personal Finances

As we mature, we carry with us biases and preferences when it comes to managing our personal finances. These can clash with the beliefs of significant others, family members, and others we have monetary dealings with, causing undue hardship.

How We Help

You and your community need understanding and support to learn the best methods for handling your finances. We can provide you with a new understanding of accounting processes and systems, starting with the language and structure of how personal accounting works.


Our method of teaching is similar to that of Bob Ross, the artist who showed the world that anyone can paint a picture. We start with the foundation, the basics of how to understand accounting systems. From there, we build on that knowledge, teaching you simple steps to gain a comprehensive knowledge of your cash flow, assets, and how to manage them effectively.

Get in Touch

A good professional space organizer can help you make the most efficient use of your space – just like a good tax accountant can help organize your financial house.

Start organizing your financial house with our Color Accounting workshop or learn more from the video below!

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